Sweet variety

(Berlin, 02.12.2019) We as DaPhi, but also we as society are constantly working on shortening waiting times. Be it through faster Wi-Fi, faster processors, faster memory, more efficient service or even faster overcoming of distances through faster traffic routes and vehicles. All this makes sense and gives us time elsewhere, saving our customers time in our case. In this context, Advent, which is about waiting, seems to be out of place.
Maybe it would be if life was one-dimensional. But never forget that on the other hand, the Advent season is also a good exercise in patience, in sharpening perception. The Advent season has been known since the end of the fourth century. And in the beginning it was about fasting. So we even gave us hard time while waiting. You can see that the Advent season can be interpreted in many ways. Today, for example, we came to sweeten Advent with chocolate calendars. So every day we offer our employees this little treat as an incentive to complete our projects before the year comes to an end. Afterwards, you can arrive well equipped on holiday in our new DaPhi bathing shoes. Also our customers, who hopefully will be happy about this little attention. With this in mind, we wish you a wonderful Advent season!